During hot summer days, keeping pets hydrated is key. Be sure to provide your pets with plenty of fresh, clean water to drink no matter whether they are at home, in the garden, or out on walks. Try to encourage them to drink enough water to prevent dehydration in hot weather.
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Know the warning signs of overheating in the pets
The signs and symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, mild weakness, increased heart and respiratory rate, increased salivation, stupor, or even vomiting, collapse, etc. If you notice any signs of overheating in your pets, you need to contact your veterinary practice as soon as possible.
Be sure to provide shady spots for your pets
Pet care in hot weather: Here are important tips to know
Summer is definitely a great time for you and your furry friends to have fun outdoors, right? Well, but do you know that summer with hot weather and burning heat outside also carries health risks to your pets? Yep, that’s true. So, how to take care of them during hot summer days? How to keep our furry friends cool and safe while still enjoying the summer? Here are important tips to ensure good pet care in hot weather that you should know. Let’s see what they are now!
How to keep our furry friends cool and safe while still enjoying the summer?
Visit the vet
In the summertime, we and our furry friends spend more time outdoors than usual. It’s necessary to take your pet to a vet for a check-up prior to the hot days of summer. Be sure that they get tested for heartworm and have a comprehensive flea and tick control plan. Of course, these are year-round issues, but it's more crucial to monitor them in time of summer.
Respect the heat
Different from us, pets can just release heat by panting and through the paw pads. It’s safe to say that pets are a lot more limited than humans in terms of the ability to deal with heat. So, if we feel hot, they’re definitely hot. That’s why you need to pay extra attention to your pets as well as give them better pet care in hot weather. Avoid letting them run around outside during the hottest hours of the day. One more important thing that you need to remember is to never leave your pets alone in the car. Never doing so, please!
It’s also worth noting that animals with flat faces or with short noses can’t pant as effectively as others, making them more susceptible to heatstroke. Also, overweight, elderly pets, and ones with heart and lung diseases also need more attention.
Pet care in hot weather tip: Avoid letting your pets run around outside during the hottest hours of the day
Other pet care in hot weather tips
Along with the things to know to better take care of a pet in hot weather above, there are still many other good tips that you should follow to keep your pets cool and safe during summer, such as:
- Trim longer hair and brush the hair of your pets regularly but never shave them
- Be sure to provide shady spots for your pets whenever bringing pets outside
- Always keep an eye on their paws and be mindful of hot surfaces like asphalt or metal to avoid burnt paws.
- ...
Bottom line
Recently, we have learned some basic pet care in hot weather tips. Hope you found them helpful. Well, it's also noting these are just basic tips and in order to know how to take care of them the best way, particularly in hot weather, you still need to get advice from your veterinarian.